WIN Return Flights For Two to Zanzibar – Paper Jet Challenge

Hi weirdos, How often do you reminisce about your childhood days? I think about it every now and then and remember how carefree it was. The adults always said enjoy your childhood because when you get older there's so much more responsibilites. Here we are now, adults as they call…

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Dermalogica Sounds Sleep Cocoon Review & Giveaway

Hi weirdos, Last month I was invited to the launch of the Dermalogica Sound Sleep Cocoon and we were taught about the benefits of sleep as well as how your skin restores itself throughout the night. Are you aware that sleep problems affect 45% of the worlds population? If you…

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Cape Town Getaway Destination: Tides River Lodge in Breede River

Hi weirdos, I know its been forever since I blogged, I have no excuses besides the fact that I was not motivated to write. We will talk about this in another post but today I am going to tell you about a mini-getaway in Malgas I was invited to in…

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My Birthday Weekend Shenanigans – Hermanus Mini-Getaway {Part two}

Hi weirdos, Happy Good Friday! I hope your Easter weekend is filled with impeccable food, delicious wine and quality time with your loved ones. Yesterday I published part one of my birthday posts, read it here if you haven't already. Continuing where we left off, the morning of my birthday we were…

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